Arigatou project Mie
We, Kankyou Shikou Co., Ltd., are a company that is committed to working together with the local community to reach for the hopes and dreams for the future.
Company Profile
Company Name
Kankyou Shikou Co., Ltd.
Representative Director
Koji Okawa
Head Office
3F Apica Bldg, 4-10 Suwasakae machi, Yokkaichi City, Mie
TEL: +81-59-337-8377
FAX: +81-59-337-8378
Sales Office in Yamagata
5-7-2-2 Narisawa nishi, Yamagata (inside the Eco Station in Narisawa)
TEL: +81-23-674-6661
FAX: +81-23-674-6662
Establishment of business OR corporation
February 2006
Business Description
Proposal for the Future
We are in the business of planning and proposing community businesses, based mainly on the recycling service, to other companies as part of our consultations. Our company offers a business based on a unique point system by redeeming and granting our original environmental points on our custom cards.
For Companies - What We Can Do
The main idea of our company is to create a town in which the local community and companies can work together and cooperate. The company will issue recycling points exclusively for each company, issue coupons for effective use of the recycling points, and also promote advertisements of each company at the Eco Stations, taking into account the inevitability of image improvement and added value of the companies.
For the Future of Our Children
The Eco-Station enables individuals to collect their waste materials. With the use of collection points from waste products, points can be redeemed to local elementary schools, and these points will then be donated.
The Eco Station Project
By providing consultancy services in the development, planning, and operation of environmentally friendly eco-stations, we have succeeded in reducing the cost of collecting recycling materials, operate recycling facilities without any staff, and operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, which had been difficult in the past.
The Environmental “KIZUNA” Point
We offer a variety of point systems that will assist in creating networks between local communities and businesses.
・Issue coupons for shopping
・Issue points for disaster prevention
・Issue points from collection of waste materials
・Issue points for / from commercial advertisements
Saving the earth by making small actions
By offsetting carbon for the fuel
consumed by the vehicles used for
recycling, a part of the points will be
funded for forest conservation
activities . To be well prepared for
natural disasters caused by the
recent climate change as well as
the Tonankai earthquake, we will
use funds set aside as "disaster
prevention savings" for the
purchase of disaster prevention
supplies as disaster relief funds.
We, Kankyou Shikou Co., Ltd. aims to provide a sustainable ecological recycling business that is always open to anyone and "fun" to participate in at any time. We have consistently been working on for a better environment by considering what we can do ,and what we should do for all the people, including the local communities and businesses.
In this period of drastic environmental changes, we, Kankyou Shikou Co., Ltd. cannot have been helped but wonder how the small actions by each of us can have a big impact on the global environment in the future, and how we can give hope to the next generation of children for a brighter future. On considering these points, we have invented the Eco Station, a system that enables us to practically "see" our recycling activities.
The mission of Kankyou Shikou Co., Ltd. is to contribute to the
development of local communities where people can lead joyful and fulfilling lives with smiles, to build sustainable systems that are environmentally friendly and resistant to disasters, and to serve as a local community business that connects and revitalizes people and communities.
For a better future, we will continue to strive to be an enterprise that not only recycles materials, but also seeks to revitalize the local community by building up the wisdom to create new businesses and keep moving forward with hope.
Representative Director
Koji Okawa